Transposing and Reshaping Data
ds = dataset you are currently using.
DV = dependent variable of interest
IV = independent variable of interest
Subject = name of subject number column
XYXY = dummy name for a variable, matrix, or data frame into which you are moving information.
Basic Transposition
Make columns based on rows
In this case you have 3 columns that are of interest. You have a subject number that will serve as a key for the rows (Subject). You have a column that you want to be divided into multiple columns (ColCol). You have a column that contains the values that will populate these new rows and columns (PopulateVar).
You will need the dcast function from the reshape2 package.
XYXY.restruct <- dcast(ds, ds$Subject ~ ds$ColCol,
At this point you may want to rename your new columns. You can use this command
names(XYXY.restruct) <-c("Subject", "Name 1", "Name 2", "Name 3")
Stack Columns
XYXY <- cbind(ds[1], stack(ds[c(2,3,4)]))
names(XYXY)[c(2,3)] <- c("Score", "Variable")