Cycle Through Columns
ds = dataset you are currently using.
Var = variable to be displayed
optional, etc. = where any optional commands belong
XYXY <- variable into which data is being saved
These code blurbs are designed to speed up the first pass-through of data analysis. They use for-loops to do a quick visual check of the state of your variables. Simply press "enter" to cycle through.
NOTE: Many of these visualization are dependent on the type of data you are examining. You may want to copy same-time variables (e.g., categorical, numeric) to type-specific data frames, in order to avoid errors.
Bar Plots
Bar plots for categorical data.
for (i in 1:length(XYXY)){
xlab = colnames(XYXY[i]),
axis.lty = "solid"))
readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")
Histograms (with skew)
This will provide the histogram with skew value in the title. Note that skew comes from e1071, so you will need to download this package.
for (i in 1:length(XYXY)){
skewVal <- skewness(XYXY[,i])
xlab = colnames(XYXY[i]),
main = paste0("Skewness = ", skewVal)))
readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")
Normality (with Shapiro-Wilk test)
Shapiro-Wilk results appear in the title
for (i in 1:length(XYXY)){
normVal <- shapiro.test(XYXY[,i])
xlab = colnames(XYXY[,i]),
main = paste0("Shapiro-Wilk test = ", normVal$p.value))
readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")
Scatter Plot
Note that the way this is set up, column 1 will always be on the y-axis, and the other columns will cycle along the x-axis. Adjust as needed.
for(i in 2:length(XYXY)){
ylab = colnames(XYXY[1]),
xlab = colnames(XYXY[i])))
readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue")